
Fynbos has never existed without fire and never will. This community of plants and animals, which is at home in a Mediterranean climate with dry, hot and windy summers and wet winters, is adapted to and even dependent on fire. Many seeds can only germinate with the help of fire, and many bulbous plants wait for fire in order to flower and bear fruit without competition from other vegetation. Afterwards, these survival artists wait patiently for the next fire – while nothing is seen of them for years. Many small miracles that we can ‘call up’ through controlled fires.

A controlled burn must be well prepared, firebreaks must be cleared around the area to be burnt – often by hand. Then the weather has to be right, not too dry – but not damp either, otherwise it won’t burn. A constant but not too strong wind enables precise planning on the day of the fire. Firstly, the fire is always started against the wind, the outer perimeter is secured by extinguishing units, with or without water. And finally, the ‘closing’ is done hot and fast with the wind…